Résultats 2019

Subject: Championnat International de Tango Argentin 2019

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Held on 24/11/2019 in Paris

Representatives of I.TA.C.A. : Salvatore Christian Vaccaro, Johannes Drat


Several days before the championship, the ITACA association has indicated its intention to be present during the event in order to ensure the proper conduct of the championship according to the regulations. Mr. Patrice Chainet as president of the association “Tango en Seine” sent the rules and details with which the phases of the championship would be held.

When asked who would be the supervisor of the championship, the answer was that the jury itself would make the calculations and rankings independently, as the only sovereign body.

The Championship:

In the first part of the championship ITACA noted several shortcomings on the part of the organization, such as the missing of musical selections for the different phases of the championship. For this reason, ITACA’s representatives invited the jurors Jesus Paez and Stanislav Fursov to select the music for the championship (the jurors Iara Duarte and Katy Simonova at that time were engaged in the “heels” championship and the jurors Agostina Tarchini and Francisco Lieva were not present at this moment).

In the jurors’ meeting before the championship, the question of whether they had read the regulations was answered negatively, so ITACA handed over two copies of the regulations in the English language to them.

The jurors were not aware that they would also have to perform the supervisor function and asked the favor of being able to perform the calculations to the representatives of ITACA, with their computers and other necessary material. Realizing the obvious difficulty of the jurors for this task, the representatives of ITACA accepted their request for help for the collection of votes and their transcription, the calculation of the averages and then the ranking. At each step, the jurors would check the correctness of the transactions and thus, as the sovereign body, would confirm the final results.

Therefore, the ITACA association assisted the championship jury without ever acting as an official supervisor.


The stages:

The two categories of the Championship, Tango Salón and Tango Escenario, were held alternately in the following order:

Tango Escenario: pair n° 113

Tango Salón: Ronda 1 (6 pairs)

Tango Escenario: couple n° 150

Tango Salón: Ronda 2 (6 pairs)

Tango Escenario: pair n° 106

Tango Salón: Ronda 3 (7 pairs)

Tango Escenario: pair n° 148

At the end of this first phase the sheets were collected by the representative of ITACA, the votes were transcribed and then the relative average calculations and the ranking were carried out. Once the calculations were completed, the results were presented to the jurors who approved the work carried out.


ITACA’s representative showed the results on his PC monitor, so jury president Francisco Lieva incorrectly transcribed the numbers of the pairs that passed the first phase. The error was unintentional because he wrote the number of the first 8 pairs in order of presentation and not according to the ranking. The other jurors promptly noticed the error and immediately the exact order of the ranking was transcribed.

The final phase took place in a regular way, the 8 couples danced in a single round three Tangos. The representative of ITACA withdrew the sheets and made the calculations again and presented the final ranking to the jurors. Some jurors pointed out the possibility of some mistakes because the winning couple could not be that ranking in first place. The jurors viewed the data, the calculations and found no errors. Some jurors said they were not satisfied with the final ranking and asked for the couples to dance again. The representative of ITACA pointed out that there was no irregularity or draw for the top ranked and therefore there would be no reason for a further final. Jury president Francisco Lieva, supported by other jurors, discussed privately with the organizer about this and together they decided to hold a second final.

Once this decision had been communicated to the representative of ITACA, it was communicated to him that only the first four classified couples would have danced a second final. When asked why only four couples had to dance and not another number, the jury president’s answer was that only the first four couples had to dance, because for several judges the best pair was the one ranked fourth and that’s why this couple has to win the championship.

The second final was then held, and following the calculations, the couple ranked fourth in the first final was the winner.



The ITACA association finds the second final unjustified and without reason to exist. It would have made sense only in the event of a tie or in the event of irregularities, which did not occur.


In the second page of the Regulation of the “International Tango Argentinian Championship” 2019 edition is written: “The jury will select for each category the winning couple. In the event of a tie, the couples will have to dance the number of necessary themes until the jury chooses the winning couple.”

Therefore, the final classification valid and approved by ITACA is that relating to the first final in which the winning couple is the No. 145.

These facts and considerations were presented to the president of the association “Tango en Seine”, as the organizer of the championship. ITACA considers the organisation of the championship with regard to its transparency in a positive way, as it has allowed ITACA representatives to carry out their functions. The decision to play a second final was taken by the organizer without being aware of all the facts, and only after knowing them did the organizer consider it right on ITACA’s proposal to block the delivery of cash prizes until it was made completely clear, with tables on the various stages of the championship and the report present.

The ITACA association also does not approve of the behaviour of some jurors, considering it to be incorrect and unprofessional. In every championship some jurors are not satisfied with the final result, but they have to accept it in order to respect the evaluations of their colleagues.

ITACA thanks the president Patrice Chainet of the association “Tango en Seine” for his cooperation and availability in all the phases of the championship and the following ones and all the participants of the championship for their patience and their trust in the work of ITACA.


Salvatore Christian Vaccaro

Championnat International de Tango Argentin

Paris, 24 November 2019

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