Rules in English : Tango Escenario



The association “Tango en Seine”, represented by its President Patrice Chainet organizes the International Tango Championship 2021. Tango Salón  are include.

Any amateur or professional, French or foreign can compete.

Unisex couples are welcome.

The participation fee is € 100 per registered person.

The objective of this championship is to promote and diffuse the Argentine tango in its dimension danced with the general public.


The association “Tango en Seine” is at the origin of the organization, the programming, and the realization of the championship of France 2018.

The person in charge will take care of the respect of the provisions of this regulation.

The organization is not responsible for delays or other unforeseen events that may occur at the time of the contest.

All participants of the championship commit themselves to be present at the events planned by the organization – possible interviews by radio or television.

The organization has the power to have the order of the benefits of the participants and their modalities, such as the amount of passage of each couple.

All participants must be on site at the times specified in the convocation.

People in the organization will not be able to enter the contest.

The organization uses as a means of communication the site of the Tango association in Seine and any other means of dissemination such as leaflets and e-mails.


Registration and participation in the championship is effective after the payment of the rights of € 100 per person for all categories .. Interested parties can register until November 30 included.

The inscription can be carried out by Internet on the site or directly with the responsible Patrice CHAINET in 00 33 6 19 45 21 03.

Couples can be of any nationality and participants must be at least 18 years of age on the day of the competition.

All participants must confirm their registration after acceptance of the organization by enclosing a valid ID.

Any invalid registration will be disqualified.


The championship will take place in 3 stages on 2 days.

2 / Tango Escenario

Participants will be able to express their point of view on Argentine tango dance.

This means that couples will be allowed to perform movements, figures, and applications that are not directly related to traditional tango dancing.

But the choreography must include traditional elements of tango: eight, tricks, walking, boleos, ganchos and “abrazo milonguero”.

Couples will be able to break the abrazo and use techniques from other dance disciplines, as long as this is justified to enrich the performances of the dancers.

The turns and aerial movements of other dance disciplines should not be excessive. This means that they must not exceed one third of the overall performance. The couple must include movement sequences across the entire area of ​​the stage.

The quality of the outfits can be taken into account when judging by the jury.

In the event of a technical problem, the jury will evaluate the rehearsal of the choreography at the end of the assigned time slot.

If there is a problem with the choreography, the couple will decide whether to continue the dance and the jury will evaluate the manner and grace with which it will solve the difficulties; but the couple will not be allowed to repeat the performance.

The tango selected by the competitors can not exceed more than four (4) minutes.


The organization will give a cup to the winning couple.

For the category Tango Escenario the reward will be 1000 €

That’s 500 € for each dancer.

Many prizes will be offered by the sponsors for the couples having participated in the competition without reaching the first place.